Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Rant #1

Rant #1 – (originally written on 7/22/2005)
by Rob

I must start out by saying I am writing this because I don’t think I can express vocally the many thoughts I wish to get out of my head without becoming overcome by rage therefore making it completely incoherent. I am not the most eloquent speaker to begin with, but these topics fill me with so much anger that an attempt at disseminating them in spoken word would prove futile.

That said, I must say that we, as a country, and as a society in general, are heading down a horrible path that I fear has no recourse or return. Every single day I hear something that makes this more and more clear to me. We have become overcome by fear and have tossed all rationale out the window as we careen towards a country/society of unthinking, subservient robots. Logic is gone. Reason is gone. Do we even listen to the things coming out of our own mouths? Or even worse, out of the mouths of the media, government “leaders”, and perhaps worst of all the numerous groups that are supposed to stand for civil liberties and rights of all individuals. We have disregarded all logical thinking in favor of being politically correct. We have decided that fact is irrelevant in the face of popular opinion. Look at the media and you will see this is not a joke, but the new standard. The news is no longer a source of information, but rather a source of “entertainment”. All accountability is gone as well. Evidence of this is also directly related to the media. No longer is fact relevant, or even necessary for that matter. Listen to the first five minutes of your local news program and you will see that for yourself.

I must pause here and say that, obviously, not all of these observations come directly from me. I hear few, (very few unfortunately), people that share some or all of these ideas and opinions I am expressing here and I know that those individuals and groups would not mind that I am sharing and borrowing (and hopefully building) on these ideas because those same people know that much of this needs to be said and heard. Unfortunately, however, this is not happening. So I commend, and recommend that, anyone who feels the same as I or believes in any of the ideas I put forth here, please share and build on them. We need more people in this world that are willing to think for themselves and such discourse and dialog is the only way that will happen.

Religion is a plague on this planet; a cancer that is eating away all possibilities of having a peaceful global society. Religious radicals and religious intolerance are destroying our world. I have often said that almost every war in the history of the world was based on religious causation or some derivative of such beliefs. More blood has been shed in the name of various deities than could ever possibly be caused by disease, disaster, or human intervention combined.

At present the world as a whole is at a crossroads. We have many options on how to proceed and all signs are pointing to us making a wrong turn. The present could be, and should be, an exciting time as the world has the opportunity to become a global society: Full and diverse, while also open and tolerant. Technology has brought the entire world much closer together in so many ways, yet we continue to disregard these prospects in favor of stupidity and narrow-minded views.

I truly fear where we are headed. The thoughtless evaporation of our human rights and civil liberties is going virtually unnoticed. We are causally accepting the fact that our government is so rapidly taking control over anything and everything with so little justification or logical reasoning. I could go on and on with such examples as government intervention in video games, movies, music that is almost tantamount to censorship, but never described as such. We have no more control over a government that is supposed to be “For the people, by the people…” We always hear people saying what a great country this is; however this doesn’t necessarily seem so apparent to me anymore. We live in a country that’s ego has outgrown it’s brain. I don’t want to hear the pathetic argument that “If you don’t like it move somewhere else!” How about, “If you don’t like it, try and fix it…” because we, as a country and a society, are broken. The ego-maniacal “We’re #1!” mentality is driving us further and further into the wrong direction. A little humility could do us some good.


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